📃 info 🗂️
this website is inspired from the suckless's presentation tool (sent).
it uses pandoc and LaTeX beamer for the backend.
latest feature update: addition of 16:9 themes
- exports only to .pdf
- a presentation from just a simple text file or markdown
- images can be displayed (no text on the same slide)
- no animations
- slides with exuberant amount of lines or characters produce rendering glitches intentionally to prevent you from holding bad presentations
planned features
- unicode color emoji support (via noto sans )
different font options font selection will be a non-option
more presentation style templates new 16:9 themes have been added
technologies utilized
- gnu/linux
- pandoc
- LaTeX
- SimpleMDE
- sandboxed rust uutils (gnu coreutils re-write)
active developers
related links